Ellenvale Junior High

Parent Teacher Interview Booking

Here is the link to book your parent teacher interview online.


Dear Parents/Guardians:

As per past years, we will be using OPTIS to allow parent(s)/guardian(s) to pre-book appointments online with teachers in advance to decrease the wait times, line ups and coordinate blocked time between appointments.  Each block is 5 minutes but it is suggested that you leave 5 minutes in between appointments to allow movement from one appointment to the other.

Booking Appointments

You can book your appointment by following these few easy steps!

·       Go to the Ellenvale website and click on the link “OPTIS”.

·       You will see a Login page. On this page, click on the blue link CREATE AN ACCOUNT. Follow the prompts. All you need is an email address.

·       If you created an account last year you can login using the account you created last year.

·       Once you are in the system, at the bottom left of the page, click on APPOINTMENT and voilà! Teacher’s names and times will appear. Click the teacher and time you wish to schedule. If an appointment is not available, OPTIS will let you know to select another time. Make sure to click your child’s name between each appointment to secure your time.

·       Once you have booked your appointments, you will have the option to either click PRINT A COPY OF MY SCHEDULE or SEND ME AN EMAIL. You will receive have a copy of your schedule for Parent-Teacher.

·       The master list for teachers with appointments will be available outside of teacher’s doors at Parent-Teacher.


Optis on-line booking opens on Monday, November 21 at 9:00am

Optis on-line booking closes on Tuesday, November 29 at 3:30pm

If you have difficulties booking appointment or require assistance, please contact Mr. d’Entremont at Roland.dEntremont@hrsb.ca