Ellenvale Junior High

Cell Phone Expectations 2023-2024

Cell Phone Policy:

  • Students are to leave their cellphones in their lockers at the start of morning and afternoon classes.
  • During lunch break students are permitted to use their devices. However, we are encouraging students be more social with their
  • peers and get involved in school activities that take place at lunch time.
  • When the lunch bell rings to end the break, cellphones are to be placed in their locker as they prepare for their afternoon classes.
  • Cameras are not permitted to be used unless permission has been given by a teacher or by administration. This includes
  • taking “selfies” and other photos to post to social media.
  • Students are not permitted to have earbuds/headphones in or around their ears in the hallway or in class.
  • If a student violates any of the above guidelines the device is to be turned into the office and an email will be sent to parents and the device may be picked up at the end of the day.
  • If there is a second violation, the device is to be turned into the office during instructional time (8:45-11:50, 12:50-2:50) for a period of one week.  The phone will be released to the student at the end each day.
  • Chronic violation of this policy will result in an In-School Suspension.
  • It is also possible that the inappropriate use of digital technology may result in disciplinary action, which may include one or more of the following; a referral for Code of Conduct violation and a possible consequence, a call to the school police liaison officer or Cyberscan.